Tejashni Business Group LLC requires its employees (this includes contractors under this policy) to observe the highest standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. The Company and its employees shall practice honesty, integrity and transparency in every respect of dealing with clients, the business community, the public, suppliers, government authorities and other company employees.
Responsibilities towards Clients
Each employee shall pursue our client’s legitimate objectives diligently and honestly. No employee shall place his or her own needs and desires above those of the client in the performance of work for that client.
Responsibilities towards Employees
Tejashni Business Group LLC will not discriminate on account of race, colour, age, sex, religion and natural origin. All persons are to be treated with dignity and respect and shall never be unreasonably put into situations outside of the conduct of their duties and responsibilities.
Illegal Activities
The Company and its employees will not enter into any activity considered to be illegal, unethical, and immoral or of such a nature that it can reflect adversely on the integrity of the Company.
Commercial Bribery
The Company prohibits commercial bribes, kickbacks or similar payoffs or benefits to be paid to any supplier or client. Employees and agents of the Company are prohibited from receiving, directly or indirectly, anything of a significant value in connection with any transaction entered into by the Company, other than salary, wages or other ordinary compensation.
Employees should report to the Company the offer of any “gift” which shall also be recorded within the Company gift register.
The Company prohibits employees from disclosing confidential or proprietary information outside the Company, either during or after employment, without the Company's authorisation to do so.