Inspection & Audit

Everything you need to know about our Company


Rest Hours and Operations

Tejashni Business Group LLC works on the principle of treating others the way that you would expect to be treated yourself . This is especially the case where it comes to inspections and audits of facilities and vessels.

We believe that we should conduct audits and inspections with particular regard to crew and office staff working and rest hours. Due flexibility shall be given to vessel, facility and office operations that maybe undertaken at the time of the inspection or audit and the schedule amended as necessary to meet the needs of the facility.

Multiple SIRE inspections should not be performed by any Tejashni Business Group LLC appointed inspector in any one day as this is considered unacceptable practice. The only exceptions to this rule would be in the event of completion of a part inspection one day and commencement of a part inspection for part of the same day. However, if this was planned, then permission would be required from TBGL  office on a case by case basis beforehand.